In this episode, Kristen shares her perspective on learning how to love yourself and embracing your imperfections.
Kristen DeAndrade is motivational speaker and advocate for those living in the face of adversity. She was born with the most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia and had to undergo a number of surgeries from a very young age. She is also suffers from spinal stenosis which has threatened her with paralysis for the past 5 years and has brought her a lot of pain
This battle has forced her to confront various mental health ailments like depression, anxiety and PTSD which eventually led to her belief that people should embrace the way they feel and not push sadness and other unpleasant feelings down in their heads.
oooKristen is also the author of Little Legs, Big Heart, a book which recounts her journey through tears, laughter, devastation, and hope as it tells about a girl on a mission to find her identity.
In this episode, Kristen tell us:
- About her childhood years, surgeries and the first time she realized she was different
- The negative impact of social media for our self-esteem
- Her mantra when life gets tough
The mantra that I have for myself is little legs big heart and I always tell myself it doesn’t matter how long your legs are , you can only take one step at a time.”
- Her thoughts on building a support network
In order to make real connections, you have to be willing to be open and honest on who you are. Do not be afraid to share your struggles.
Hold on to people that make you feel good. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.”
- What to keep in mind when not feeling confident.
You are here for a reason. We are all beautiful.We do not need someone to tell us that. You have to just know it. You have to be willing to feel it with every ounce of your being.”
Connect with Kristen on IG: instagram.com/littlelegsbigheart
Connect with Cielo on IG: instagram.com/cielojsolis
Visit Kristen’s Website: littlelegsbigheart.com
Check out Kristen’s book: amzn.to/3jIwkHz
Host & Producer: Cielo
Producer: Hannah Frankel
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